Monday, January 31, 2005

im happy im feeling glad i've got sunshine in a bag

this is the last blog entry that i will be making at a&g!! hurray!! its my last day..meaning, i will get paid today amd i can finally stop coming to this stupid office and be bored for the whole day! i cannot express my how happy i feel..but than again, it may be beacuse i am yawning and yawning away. im suppose to get my testimonial from my boss as well but he is not in..hope he comes in later, otherwise i have to come back here and get it from him.

right now my fridge is filled with the smell of durian. my sister is going to scream. i have like 3 big tupperwares of durian in my fridge. i ate so much durian last night that up till now i still feel bloated. as much as i love durian, i hate having left over really sucks having to force down durian every night after you come home. on the food topic, i just found out yesterday that theres a max brenner in singapore!!! for the ignorant few, max brenner is a chocolate cafe. its damn good..yummy yummy chocolate..i especially love the suckoo because u get to melt ur own amounts of dark chocolate and milk together for you own hot chocolate drink. its at the esplanade #01-06/08. see im nice and im sharing the address. apparently its a pretty small cafe though. and lilian starts singing (to the tune of 'i want candy') *i want chocolate......i want chocolate*

quote of the day: if your feeling low and everything is turning against you, go and grab a box of chocolates and everything will be alright again.

Friday, January 28, 2005

its a friday!

yay today is friday, finally!! its my second last day on the job.. and i have about an hour to go before the end of the day. i have been doing nothing again, not that its anything new. i m getting a bit broke though, but im getting my pay on mon so that would be fixed in a jiffy...i cant wait for monday to come. i really really cant wait, den i'll take tues off and i'll start my new job on wed. think i'll bring my grandfather out for a meal on tues cause i havent been spending time with him *guilty*. in fact i have hardly seen him since i started work (except on weekends that is). cause its like he sleeps at 9+ and that is the earliest time i come back home from work. if i go out i'll be back at 11+ and he leaves the house at 6am so i dont get to see him in the morning either. can anyone tell me what is there to do in singapore after working hours..that is besides watching movie, eating dinner and clubbing? im seriously getting quite bored. i know im going back to melbourne soon but really, im getting very bored of doing the same thing and going the same places. add to the fact that i dont have much $$ to spare and have to think about cash flow all the time. clue me in if you can think of other stuff to do ya?

quote of the day: the trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time - willem de kooning

Thursday, January 27, 2005


got no idea why, but now a days i am always feeling very very tired. even when i sleep early the night before, i still feel tired the next day. i sit in my office chair, read yahoo news and i fall asleep without meaning to. even when i bring a book to read, i will still fall asleep. is it because of the lack of excercise and other activity? argh i don't know. and yes, i have not started doing any sport what so ever. *guilty as charged*

i went to court yesterday for the LTA case and again i fell asleep in court. but then again, i wasnt the only one, there were a few people around me that fell asleep too..its that boring. i left the office about 4 and went to the esplanade library. i actually got spotted by the head of the litigation department and another lawyer but i decided what the heck, like they really i went on my merry way to the esplanade. a whole bunch of scgs girls were there though. and boy, were they annoying. they were stampeding around the whole place and making a hell of a racket. anyway, i managed to find a few music scores there that i couldnt find online BUT i didnt have a cashcard so i couldnt photocopy them. haiz.

quote of the day: theres nothing wrong with being a pessimist. you are either constantly proven right, or pleasantly surprised.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

stupid dumb stupid dumb

of all the stupid dumb things to do, i forgot to bring my wallet today.that means no atm card, no money, no ezlink card, NOTHING! i had to borrow money just to get to work, and that means i wont be eating lunch today. i found 50 cents in my bag so i had to beg for $1.50 from that stupid boy so that i will be able to go home after work. argh...this is annoying, im hungry and tired and i have no money! the best part was that my mum actually asked me if i needed money before we parted at orchard and i said no!!! it was only when i wanted to enter the station that i realized that i didnt bring my wallet, by than it was too late to ask my mum cause she was in the office and i was late for work.

quote of the day: silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way.

(although i highly doubt that even a sensible person, who forgot to bring his or her wallet, can make it less of a silly thing)

Monday, January 24, 2005


is it really that hard to find nice piano scores? i have been searching the entire web for free josh groban piano scores but i cant seem to find any. i cant even find jordan hill's remember me this way - the casper theme song. argh..but at least this search has been helping me to kill time. i was so bored just now that i went to an online language translator, typed out letters, translated them into different languages and attempted to copy them down, but, korean and japanese and french are really complicating so i gave up hehe. anyways, it is frustraing that i cant find what i want. so if anyone is feeling really free and wants to kill time, please help me look for these piano scores. i have found a few other nice ones but i really want this two!!

quote of the day: how far do you love me? - will smith in jersey girl

Saturday, January 22, 2005

ice cold durians

my sis and i were having a small conversation earlier on and we were talking about stupid names. one of them is this :ice koh liu lian. now if you are wondering what on earth am i talking about, well its like this. many years ago, my aunt, my sis and i were watching some fighter jet show and one of the female pilot's name was Ice. i though it was a cool name and said that i would not mind having a name like that. anyway, i love durians so i am mostly known in my family as liu lian thus my aunt and sis added Ice to my name and it became ice koh liu lian (translated: ice cold durian) haha...lame i know, but it seemed funny at that point in time...speaking of durians, i miss eating durians, anyone up for a durian party or something?

quote of the day: you know ah, there's something very funny, but its so funny that i cannot tell you! - anan

Thursday, January 20, 2005


"jelly on the plate,
jelly on the plate,
wibble wobble
wibble wobble,
jelly on the plate!"

this silly kids song has been stuck in my head since sunday when my 2 cute little cousins (anan and lulu) came and started singining it the whole day. i even went to the piano and figured out how to play this song on it.haha...

im still in a highly good mood, sleepy, bored but still in a good mood. things have been going fairly well and in a few weeks time i will be back in melbourne. not that i want to go to school but i want to go back to melbourne. i want to train and do sports and have my own freedom again. singapore is suffocating. i dont have my own freedom and im a total bum here. coming here always makes me a bum cause im not motivated to train and i cant go to a place where im familiar with to play basketball. the nearest court is in thomson or yishun and its totally ridiculous to travel all the way there, especially since i dont have a ball here. at least over there, i know there will be people at the court and that i can always borrow someone's ball. theres something wrong with my ball though, when ever i pump it, it doesnt stay that way for very long, after a few baskets it gets deflated again but im too broke to get another one. anyone wants to sponser me? getting soft all over and its disgusting. after this job is over, i shall go into intensive training. anyone wants to train with me?

quote of the day: laziness is nothing more than a habit of resting before you get tired - jules renard

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

joy to the world

alright!i just went to talk to my boss and i can finish my internship at this place by the end of this month! thats about a week more...than i think i will help my mum out in her office for about a week, with pay of course, probably about $5 an hr.even if im not paid i guess i will help her out like in the mornings or something. but i will definately insist on pay if her stupid boss is going to make me his personal assistant, he was so excited about it when my mum told him that i would come and help out in the office (he loves to talk and there are only 4 ppl in the office and the other 3 all refuse to talk uneccessarily to him). so hopefully by the end of my hols i will have at least have a bit of cash to spend on myself and my resume will have singapore's no.1 law firm and a MNC on it..haha.. hurray!

quote of the day: adults are just obsolete children, and to the hell with them - dr seuss

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

hip hip hurray!

hurray!! my parents have finally given me the green light to quit this stupid job..the only problem is, my stupid boss is not in again for me to give him my one week's notice. he was in when i came into the office this morning to put my things, than i went to the toilet and when i came back (i was only gone for 5 mins, honest!) *poof* he was gone again. so now i have to wait till tomorrow and try to catch him before he disappears again.

ohhhohhh! also finally managed to watch naruto episode 116-117 on my brand new laptop! im like testing out my new laptop now so that if theres any problems i can return it within 7 days. i feel bad that my parents went to buy a new laptop for me because for some rhyme or reason my motherboard got spoilt. i dont know how but it did...however,as bad as i feel, im damn happy that i got a new toy to play when my old one is fixed, my sis will inherit it and she can finally stop bugging me in my room when she wants to use the computer.

quote of the day: everything that i did in my life that was worthwhile, i caught hell for - earl warren

Monday, January 17, 2005


did you know that when a durex condom is filled with air, it can expand to 3 feet tall and a foot wide?whao, i knew they were elastic but i didnt know that they could expand that much, i mean i highly doubt there is a guy with that big a dick right?oh and as for how i know this, i didnt do any weird experiment...i read it off yahoo's oddly enough news.

kenneth bought me a book. its called miracles by c.s. lewis. i appreciate the effort, i really do. but its about god and stuff. not that i dont believe in god but from what i have skimmed, it seems more like a philosophy book. im already sleepy enough and im pretty sure that this book will put me to sleep. add to the fact that all my life i have avoided any book that discusses god and god's work in it. however, i cannot not read it either..argh..i was really happy last night when he told me he got me a book so that i can read in the office. that was before he started describing what the book is about. and now that the book is here, i m really dreading it.theres things about naturalism and supernaturalism etc etc...wheres my nice funny magical children's book when i need it?

quote of the day: i was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change here and there - richard feynman


i cannot believe that singapore won the tiger cup..i mean its not that i wouldnt want singapore to win, but its more like huh? singapore can play proper soccer?not that i would call the tiger cup proper soccer, but at least we finally have something to show that we might, just might, have some sort of sporting ability. so although im not a big fan of singapore soccer, congrats lions!

speaking of sports, i havent done anything at all since i came back. i lost weight, but thats due to illness. im soft and stiff all over. i have been told that it is because of this lack of activity, i have become stagnant and acting more like a whiny complaining female. is that true?does the lack of a sport make me become less determined and more into someone i dont like?does sports really have that much of an impact in my life?

quote of the day: the truth is rarely pure and never simple - oscar wilde

Friday, January 14, 2005


went out with mervyn yesterday, first time i see him wear jeans, he looks so much better than in his stupid shorts..haha neway i ate tori Q bento set for dinner...yumyum..i havent eaten that in years. i was suddenly reminded of it so i made mervyn walk with me all the way to taka just to eat it...not as good as i remembered it but still good..just eating that reminds me of the time when qian and i would go to taka and eat that and sit on the floor outside U2. it was especially funny cause people would stare at us when they passed by. I still remember once when i was eating french fries, some 3 or 4 yr old angmoh kid kept staring at me from inside U2 so i offered him some fries and the cute little fella came and took some from me..haha...

we also went to watch "seed of chucky" was more comical than not sure which the director intended to portray, but it was funny...the kid turned out to be something of a spilt personality bisexual doll...and jennifer tilly got pregnant and gave birth to twins in the period of 3 days from the day chucky's sperms were put into her..haha and there was a scene were chucky was just looked so funny cause its so ridiculous..hehehe

quote of the day: ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy. - Edgar Bergen

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

liar liar pant on fire

i have been left behind again!! and this time i went to look for him exactly at 11am!! stupid boss...always lying to me. no wonder he is a lawyer..hmph =(

to believe or not to believe

my boss told me that he is going to bring me to court again today. i dont know how much to believe. this is annoying,i cant make lunch appointments in case he does really bring me to court but if i dont and he doesnt bring me to court than i'll be sad and lonely and eat lunch alone..=( argh, stupid boss of mine.

ohh and i ate nice things last night, i had my swensen's coit tower (aka ice cream and bananas and nuts!) yumyum...n today i shall eat hokkien mee if he really doesnt bring me to being a piggy..oink..but den again i wont get to enjoy all this when im in melbourne so oh well..

quote of the day: the only normal people are the ones that you dont know very well - joe ancis

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

dream come true

dreams do come true!! i had pancakes for breakfast this morning..yummy...but i had to wake up at like 6+am just to make them so now im really sleepy and as usual no work, bored yada yada...i wonder if i get to eat anything on my list for lunch just being greedy i know but ah well, you only live once right?

Quote of the day: Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. (Salvador Dali)

Monday, January 10, 2005

list of things i want to eat

why am i here again?its because im really bored and i need to list down the things i want to eat before i forget:

1) pancakes with rasins and maple syrup
2)nice chocolate ice cream or macadamia ice cream with bananas, i might settle for swensens though
3)dim sum (har kow, chee chong fun etc)
4)waffles, maybe with ice cream..ben and jerrys would be really nice
5) double cheese burger, havent had that in awhile
6)hokkien mee
7)french toast
8)new mac donalds twister fries

ok i know all this sounds like im being a pig but these kept me up the whole of last night..i was dreaming of mac nuggets and pancakes and french toast and susuages. so u can imagine how hungry i was when i woke up, but sadly, there was only cold bread and margarine :(

thankfully, i have already have my mac nuggets for lunch! no idea why i started craving for them but they taste good!!

lonesome me

well im sad to report that i was not brought to boss forgot about me and left me mean.... he told me that he would call me when he was leaving and that was suppose to be at 11am. when i checked at 11am, he was still preparing for his case, when i checked at 11.30am, he was still in his office preparing for his case, when i checked at 12pm he was gone *poof* and he left poor lil ol me behind. sad right :(

today both my boss and his assistant arent in and i was so determined to ask for work too! i was just thinking this morning that if he didnt have any work for me when i asked, i would ask his assistant if i could help in any way...but they both arent here! thus i cant ask for im left by my lonesome self again...the other 2 interns are seated far away from me and they are a bit is so big but she says she finished all the ballet grades, as in really right to the top..i dont want to imagine her in a leotard though (im not trying to be mean but its true!). the other one is quite nice, quiet and basically no fun...i really want to quit but i think my parents arent too happy with the idea.haha oh yeah, and today is my sis's first day at work at SIMEI GREEN! poor gal, has to go all the way to simei (near expo, for those that are a bit lost) and if you are wondering what kind of company is simei green, well its actually a condo where relatives of mine stay and her pay is only $450/ she would say, its probably not even enough to cover all of her transport fees..haha

Thursday, January 06, 2005


ah hah! i finally have something to do today instead of playing yahoo games in the office. im going to court! i know that it will probably just as boring in court but at least its better than having nothing to do right? but if i really have nothing to do for the rest of this week, i think i will quit next week and try and get internship else where. if not than i will just be happy and bum around for the rest of my holiday and catch up with people i guess. my tummy is still feeling a bit weird though, it doesnt hurt but its super uncomfortable..n its not cramps..not that cramps is any better but i just want to know what in the world is causing this...=(

Monday, January 03, 2005


2004 hasnt been a very good year, even till the last day stuff must happen. come to think about it, lots of bad stuff have happened throughout 2004. now its 2005, i hope it will be a better year.