Saturday, January 22, 2005

ice cold durians

my sis and i were having a small conversation earlier on and we were talking about stupid names. one of them is this :ice koh liu lian. now if you are wondering what on earth am i talking about, well its like this. many years ago, my aunt, my sis and i were watching some fighter jet show and one of the female pilot's name was Ice. i though it was a cool name and said that i would not mind having a name like that. anyway, i love durians so i am mostly known in my family as liu lian thus my aunt and sis added Ice to my name and it became ice koh liu lian (translated: ice cold durian) haha...lame i know, but it seemed funny at that point in time...speaking of durians, i miss eating durians, anyone up for a durian party or something?

quote of the day: you know ah, there's something very funny, but its so funny that i cannot tell you! - anan


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