Wednesday, May 09, 2007

IT LIVES!! Top 10 Cartoon series turned Movies

Ok, I'm just really really bored hence decided to write on this thing again. This actually says how boring perth really is. However, I highly doubt many people will actually see this since most people have come to realize that I stopped ages ago. But from now on, this blog shall be revived and be dedicated to top 10s. In honour of this blog's revival, today's topic is Top 10 Cartoon series turned Movies:

10) The Addams Family
This was actually pretty good. The stuck pretty closely to the tv series and actually managed to extend what was suppose to be short snippets into a nice pretty funny movie length feature.

9) Scooby-Doo
As much as this was pretty popular, I really didn't take to the film. It was better off remaining as a cartoon. Somehow just didn't sit well with me.

8) George of the Jungle
I have never watched the original series but as a movie, this is a pretty air-headed one. Great to watch when you feel like staring at something totally brainless. Like really really brainless, but it gets on this list because it generated over $100 million in theatres.

7)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I practically grew up watching the cartoon. I can still sing the original song by heart. The first movie wasn't too bad then they started trying to do too much with the next one. It kind of lost the plot with the latest one.

6) The Flintstones
Who can forget the Flintstones! YABADABADOO!! This was one of the old times cartoons which really hit it big when it came into the movie world. Loved the fact that they kept all the yelling in the movie as well.

5) Batman
As movies go, it isn't that fantastic. BUT I cannot leave Batman out. Jack Nicholson was great as the joker. His smile was perfect! And you gotta love that Batman is the only superhero who doesn't have super powers. So hats off to Batman..

4) Fantastic Four
Oh man, how hot was Jessica Alba! It wasn't a bad film but I seriously believe that it generated that much cash simply because people wanted to see Jessica Alba in a skin tight suit. HOT

3) Casper
Now was this movie touching or was it touching. Seriously, one of the better cartoons turned movie. The theme song will be stuck in the back of my mind forever. Admit it, when you were younger, didn't you just want to sob when he turned back from human to ghost.

2) Spider-man
The first movie was great. Loads of action and everything else that spider-man was suppose to be about. The second one was pretty alright too. The third one was just horrible, not enough action with venom and too emotional. The only thought I had after watching that was 'oh, the only good looking person in the movie got disfigured and died'.

1) X-Men
How much do you love this. They casted the roles really well for the movies, especially Professor X. Always action packed, so great to watch. Waiting for Gambit to come out though.

Hope that reading this list would make you want to watch these old cartoons again. If you remember any other old cartoons that turned out to be great movies, leave a comment! Tune in next week for more Top 10s...

Next week on top 10s...Top 10 movie 1 liners..


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