Thursday, January 27, 2005


got no idea why, but now a days i am always feeling very very tired. even when i sleep early the night before, i still feel tired the next day. i sit in my office chair, read yahoo news and i fall asleep without meaning to. even when i bring a book to read, i will still fall asleep. is it because of the lack of excercise and other activity? argh i don't know. and yes, i have not started doing any sport what so ever. *guilty as charged*

i went to court yesterday for the LTA case and again i fell asleep in court. but then again, i wasnt the only one, there were a few people around me that fell asleep too..its that boring. i left the office about 4 and went to the esplanade library. i actually got spotted by the head of the litigation department and another lawyer but i decided what the heck, like they really i went on my merry way to the esplanade. a whole bunch of scgs girls were there though. and boy, were they annoying. they were stampeding around the whole place and making a hell of a racket. anyway, i managed to find a few music scores there that i couldnt find online BUT i didnt have a cashcard so i couldnt photocopy them. haiz.

quote of the day: theres nothing wrong with being a pessimist. you are either constantly proven right, or pleasantly surprised.


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