Wednesday, February 02, 2005

glory man united!

alright!man u won aresenal 4-2..haha take that jo..we won aresenal again!!hahaha...kk before i go on n on n on i shall stop here. anyway, i started work at my mum's office and i have done more work in one day there than i have in A&G in one and a half months. and i don't mean like 2 times more work, its like five times more work and i am not exaggerating. my butt and back aches from sitting on the floor sorting and filing and putting them into boxes and then stacking them n some corner. sounds simple enough but its tiring. u'd be amazed at how much paperwork there is in a small office of four people.

quote of the day: i win, you lose..hah - a million and one kids


Blogger Amanda said...

Lian, thats what I do. Except I have 10 times more than you and a hell lot messier with incompetent people giving me wrong instructions and asking me to redo over and over again.

5 February 2005 at 01:06  

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