Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Im done!

Yeah! i finally finished both my essays. It is good day..hehe...I had a good morning surprise and although i am tired cause i only got 2 hrs of sleep i am still pleased. I am finally not alone anymore! people have started coming back to melb...haha...anyway general question, why do people blindly follow the actions of others of the same religion? not that i have anything against religion of course but its just a question.

Odd law: It is a crime to have unnatural sexual intercourse.

so what is NATURAL intercourse?when you use contraceptives is it natural or unnatural?or toys or what ever other nonsense there is in the market...If you are wondering why on earth i suddenly mention this, it is because i had a law class on homosexuality today. So i m not being weird or asking stupid questions for the sake of asking questions k..hehe


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