Tuesday, September 07, 2004


I finally handed in my 2 assignsments...now just 2 more essays and a presentation to go..all have something or other to do with law..bleah..but thats only due next month so for now i can breathe...

I actually went for my torts class today. We looked at 2 cases today that i find absolutely ridiculous. The first was about this australian actor who was awarded $33 million as compensation. Out of this sum of money, $1.4 million was for his medical expenses and $24 million was for loss of future earnings. The reason for this huge sum of money awarded for his predicted loss of future earnings was because they ASSUMED that he would make it to hollywood and what ever nonsense although there was like people testifying that it is not that easy to break into the american market. The second case was about this 5 yr old aboriginal boy who was also involved in a motor vehical accident. But unlike the actor, he was awarded some pitiful sum of money reason being was they ASSUMED that he would work in the building industry in the future and that he would be slack in his future job just because he was slack in class at that point in time. He's only a 5 yr old kid for god's sake. These cases were awhile back of course but it just really strikes me at how much assuming courts do and how screwed up they can be. It also makes me wonder why i'm doing law in the first place...


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