Thursday, March 03, 2005

vaguely amusing

apparently my neighbours in singapore found an onion in their house and they came over to my place and accused someone from my family of throwing the onion into their place.haha thats totally ridiculous. these neighbours are uni students i think from overseas or something. which ever the case is, cant they use their brains..which idiot would throw an onion into someone else's house?haha i mean, seriously, even my maid wouldnt be that stupid to do something like that. i betcha they dropped it or something and forgot. dumb people.

today my housemate was testing out her new stethescope (is that how you spell it? you know, the things doctors use) anyway, its was amusing to see her run from wall to wall trying to see if she can hear our neighbours through the wall using her stethescope. she even tried the floor! haha..can you imagine a small person running around the house with a stethscope going, hmm i wonder if anyone is talking on the other side.

lastly, if you have a maid or your mum who does all the washing and cleaning in the house, say thank you! i just packed my room today and cleaned and scrubbed my toilet till its white and shiny. trust me, its not a very easy job, my neck is still aching from it.

by the way,russell peters is hilarious!!

quote of the day: indian slave to white owner 'you pick the cotton, i'll make the t-shirts..and together we'll wholesale'


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