Saturday, October 01, 2005


ALRIGHT!! I'm back..brisbane was just fantastic...i got my gold for the comp. but that is besides the point...i learnt how to surf! it was so cool...whenever i see a wave coming im like cursing and swearing till i have to get on the board and when i get wiped out im cursing and swearing all over again...but its all in good fun...i can squat and half stand on the board for about 20 secs before i wipe out..all right for a first lesson...oh and this was in gold coast, surfer's paradise, my friends and i actually took a 2 hour train ride allll the way there. We also went to some ulu was beautiful...we had to take a train to the end of brisbane, take a ferry to the island AND take a bus to the other side of the island...but it was worth it...the waves were beautiful and the water was soooo blue and clear.. i could like a take a picture of my feet under water..thats how clear the water is..oh and the chicks were soooo HOT!! i also got a tan...i still dont look like a malay, but at least im not pasty and more...then again there is the downside of brisbane...u see soooo many more horribly GINORMOUS chicks in short tight stuff...argh..and they are like really huge...most of them are like 3 time my size sideways....and their boobs are soo big...there was this one fat chick that was trying to get onto the bus and she used her boobs to push me aside...i was like wth....neway...i'll tell more stories to those that i talk to...will post photos if i can be bothered...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're back!! i missed you! and i'm jealous! how come u talked to terence first?! =) glad u had so much fun! i wanna learn how to surf too! hahaha.. u HAVE to bring me and ter next time.

2 October 2005 at 23:10  

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