Sunday, August 28, 2005


ok won southern uni games..didnt feel too good cause it was my friend that i was fighting against and her right foot was injured so didnt really want to kick her. Anyway, won Victoria State Championships under blue belt division!! Go me!! haha..yeah that was kicked in the head though..but at least I know how is it like to fight in blue I am going for University Games under blue belt too..hope that doesnt end up a disaster cause for that like all the tkd teams in Australia are going...the chick my friend fought was super my friend lost 18-1..and the thing is my friend is not that bad a fighter..i was totally shocked...its like whao...hope i dont have to fight her man.

anyway, i have been getting my regular chocolate fixes so im feeling really good...but i also just started like training like crazy as well...just went for like a 1 1/2 hour run damn tired...i know doesnt really add up but its not to lose just damn scared of being kicked around like crazy in Uni somehow fighting a higher belt always makes me nervous although im not that bad a fighter (not being bhb). im also damn stressed..have like 3 essays, a presentation and a lab report all due like close to each other..DIE! PANIC! STRESS!!!!! i should get back to work..argh...


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