Tuesday, August 31, 2004

pleasure and pain

man, i feel so spoilt...like ever since my aunt came down i have been nothing but spoilt. I don't mean it in the "I want ___ and she gets it for me" way, but rather the 'I'm going to treat you to nice stuff and do everything for you' kind of way. I mean like she cooks for me, washes the dishes and my clothes, packs up the house, irons and folds my clothes and brews chrysanthemum tea for me. Isn't that nice? the only thing she doesnt do for me is my work..haha..seriously...its great being spoilt like that. im totally loving it. at this rate, i will never get well from my cough and i will grow fatter than i already am...yiks!! but i just cant resist good food...hehe...

on the down side, i have a freaking lot of work to do..this time my assignments are killing me..i have absolutely no idea how to do any of them and i have to hand them up soon...argh!! someone just kill me...the thing is i know i should spend more time on them but like my aunt is here and i dont want to totally leave her alone and do my work after she has been so nice to me. She is like only leaving on the day that i have to hand in my first assignment so im kinda like paiing throughout the nights, trying to get the basic understanding of what to do so that i can at least get something down on paper...i wish i could just hole up at home to complete my work..but of course i cant...haiz

Sunday, August 29, 2004


Don't you guys dare to laugh at me..but theres a freaking fly in my room and it refuses to get out!! I hate flies...I was chasing it around my room just now with a water spray but it still refuses to get out!! I just hate any insect that flies...just gives me the creeps hearing the buzzing nosies...Argh!! First I get bullied by humans and now I'm getting bullied by a fly...this is ridiculous!! Add to the fact that I'm a sick girl...how can they be doing this to me!?!Now the fly is hiding in the aircon vent so i can have some peace and quiet for now...and I am NOT more feminine just because I don't like flies and other flying insects...they are just gross....

Man, I hate watching the olympics on here...it really sucks...all you get to see is volleyball, beach volleyball, rowing, canoeing, bball, hockey and handball. I am like so sick of these games..there are like 2 channels showing the olympics and they can be showing the same bloody sports at the same time. Whats the use of that? There are soooo many sports in the olympics and they just HAVE to show the same ones on 2 different channels. what's wrong with them. Its either that or they will show reruns. Like last night they had synchronise swimming and then this morning they had the excat same telecast and then just an hour or 2 ago, they showed the exact same bloody rerun of the synchro!?!and also like on the tv guide, they state they will show a certain sport but they wont, most likely they will show some other sport or a rerun of some other sport...its just frustrating...especially when you specifically want to watch a sport. Ok enough bitching about the TV stations here...

I'm thinking of joining another small TKD comp..not totally sure if i should or not though..its like in 2 weeks time and i don't think i'm in good shape to fight...like for some reason or other i can't seem to kick somebody hard...feel bad doing it...don't know why...doesnt sound like the usual me eh..but yeah..when i'm kicking someone, i unconciously pull back my kicks and so it won't score and i'm not aggressive enough..surprised?so was i when i first started sparring instead of just kicking mitts. This sport is so different from track and field. I used to be so pumped up and aggressive when it came to sports but somehow i cant get that aggression out for TKD. I have no idea why as well...hmmm....

Quote of the day: If you're going through hell, keep going. --Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

Thursday, August 26, 2004

well here goes...

cant believe i'm doing this...this is for all u idiots that have been buggin me for it. I know i took a damn long time to get it started but at least its up now...

anywayz, this entry will juz b an update for those that i haven't talked to in awhile.while we are/were busy with our own lives i:

  • did terribly for law...still doin terribly for law
  • brought up a digi piano frm spore..believe it or not and thus have started playin it properly again
  • jammed with a band
  • joined a minor TKD comp and won my fight (although it was quite a pathetic one)
  • started playin bball again
  • stayed at one spot on the sofa, watching ppl play PS2 for hours on end (astonishing isnt it?)
  • playing the cadbury advertisment song over and over in my head
  • found out tt stupid trinity cheated my $$
  • have become such a bum that u wld have to see it to believe it

hmmm..yup i think covers the "major" happenings in my life since i came back from spore. Over and out.