Thursday, December 30, 2004


in the office again, i fell aslp for about 1 1/2 hrs sitting upright, now im sore all over. I was just sitting and reading the news just now and i just realized that singapore is really very lucky, if there weren't so many islands and countries like malaysia and indonesia surrounding us, we would have been hit by the tsunami too, and that would be the end for this small pathetic island. we'll be like the next atlantis! what a scary thought...seeing the death toll rise and rise by the minute is scary and depressing. people are wiped out so easily, in a blink of an eye, anyone can say byebye. so appreciate your loved ones that are now by your side including grandparents and aunts and uncles no matter how loud they are..

another depressing thought. i was in the MRT on the wat home yesterday and i realized that i just seemed like any other corporate person going home from work. it just hit me that a few years down the road, this is how it would be like, the same dreary motions which i have to go through day after day. im 18 now, i'll be 20 in 2 years and than 25 and etc...i cant cry for what i want like a 2 yr old kid, neither can i be like a 8 year old kid who climbs up basketball posts for fun. i used to want to grow up real quickly cause i thought that adults had all the fun, but now i wish it was the other way round, like in the mercedes ad where you are born old and die young.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Bored Office Thoughts

Currently at my office table, with piles of things to read, yet nothing to do at all. I am suppose to read and understand this stuff and yet I have been told that I don't need to read all of them.So what on earth does that mean? I'm blowing my nose and being a nuisance to everyone around me with my loud honking, but it really can't be helped, its annoying but too bad. They also managed to block the e-messenger website thus i cant go on MSN in the office anymore..BORING!! haiz, when the other 2 interns leave, i got no idea what i'm going to do, i'll be so lost still cause my stupid boss never tells me what i am suppose to do.

I was just reading someone's blog about romance and stuff and I was just wondering, is it a nescessity in every relationship? or is it just some way to make the girl happy (cause if u realize, most of the time its the guys romancing the girls)? I mean, not say i wouldnt like to be romanced, which girl wouldnt? but when you look at it from a guy's point of view, it gets tiring as well doesnt it? if i were a guy i wouldnt want to do it all the time no matter how much i love the girl. So girls, dont expect too much, get off your high horses. Guys, too much is cute but whipped but not at all really sucks.

Lunch hour in 10 mins and counting.....