Monday, September 20, 2004

sports, hols

Im looking at myself right now and i suddenly realised how bruised i am. The thing is i dont know is it because of TKD or something else. I love the sport, i really do. In fact i love almost all sports. But somewhere along the line, i lost the drive to improve and be the best. Somehow that competitive edge of mine is gone. Im not saying that im letting myself be a total bum and not improve at all, but rather, im not determined to push myself to the limit and be the best that i can be. Unlike the past, I dont really care if im not the best in the sport im in. Maybe I just dont have a point to prove anymore?

My 2 week break has just started, but its all going to waste..haiz.. I've got 2 essays to do. A law and a criminology one.They are about 40-50% so i cant afford to play first and attempt to complete it in the last 2 days of hols or something. Everyone seems to be going somewhere this hols except me. Example, idiot Eu Jin is going back to Ipoh, the TKD team is going to perth for the uni games and even my studious housemate is going away for a weekend or maybe longer with her church friends. I'm going to be all alone with my comp. How pathetic is that. *s0bz* =(

Quote of the day: When you encounter seemingly good advice which contradicts other seemingly good advice, ignore them both - Al Franken

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Family Court

went to family court today, or rather, yesterday. Pretty interesting but quite sad too. Apparently the father thought that the brother in law was sexually abusing his two and a half yr old son. He came to this conclusion because when his wife and her brother were younger, the brother, who was older than her, did some sexual experiments with her. When the wife told him about it, he became obsessed and started calling up hotlines and the police. He said that his son told him that he was sexually abused.How can a two and a half convey that he was sexually abused? Well, apparently, the kid showed discomfort on his face, pointed to his gentials and said Uncle. The police investigated but concluded that there was no sexual abuse. I guess the father had some reason to be concerned because the brother in law was a suspected but not convicted paedophile. Which ever the case is, they started arguing over time they should spend with the children. And its really sad to hear, cause the time alloted to them is like office hours. Like the dad can only see a certain child from 12pm to 6pm on certain days and vice versa for the mum. And the worse part is that the change over would be at a police station! can u imagine how its like for the poor kid, goin to the police station every few days. Its seriously mad. I feel so sad for the kid. Its really depressing to see things like that. Its no wonder people grow up so fucked up now a days.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


I finally handed in my 2 just 2 more essays and a presentation to go..all have something or other to do with law..bleah..but thats only due next month so for now i can breathe...

I actually went for my torts class today. We looked at 2 cases today that i find absolutely ridiculous. The first was about this australian actor who was awarded $33 million as compensation. Out of this sum of money, $1.4 million was for his medical expenses and $24 million was for loss of future earnings. The reason for this huge sum of money awarded for his predicted loss of future earnings was because they ASSUMED that he would make it to hollywood and what ever nonsense although there was like people testifying that it is not that easy to break into the american market. The second case was about this 5 yr old aboriginal boy who was also involved in a motor vehical accident. But unlike the actor, he was awarded some pitiful sum of money reason being was they ASSUMED that he would work in the building industry in the future and that he would be slack in his future job just because he was slack in class at that point in time. He's only a 5 yr old kid for god's sake. These cases were awhile back of course but it just really strikes me at how much assuming courts do and how screwed up they can be. It also makes me wonder why i'm doing law in the first place...