Friday, April 29, 2005


are you depressed, have a diminished interest in activities, significant weight loss or weight gain? do you suffer from insomnia or psychomotor agitation or fatigue? do you feel worthless, jave diminsihed ability to think or concentrate?do you constantly think of death? if you do, you officially suffer from depression!! so if you do, please refrain from killing yourself till i become a psychologist and i'll give you a free session!!

haha yes psychology is turning me mad, especially qm(Standard Deviation and chi sq and yada yada).argh....stupid amnesia and aphasias, dementias and much as i pity the patients, they are scary to watch. i was watching videos with people who suffer from epilepsy and its quite scary, especially the more severe ones..its not just fits, they do absolutely crazy they will jerk about and go through the same motions over and over again, for example, lifting their arms up and down and up and down. thats some crazy stuff...

oh and i learnt how to ride a bike yesterday on a bike that was too big for was dman fun...but i kept getting off balanced and everytime i tried to get off my foot would get caught somewhere...i nearly banged into a few people on the way too...and whenever i tired to ride through like 2 pillars or posts or something, i would panic and start going haywire and eu jin (the bike belongs to him) would have to come and save me..haha he had to run along side the bike while i was riding it...hehe

Quote of the day: 'HELPPPPPP!!!!!" - me screaming b4 i nearly crashed into a pile of wood

Thursday, April 21, 2005


how fast time flies, so many things have happened so many things have changed. unexpected things just fling open the door to our lives and marches in. one thing after the next just trumps right in. no, im not suddenly being struck with a bout of melancholy, just the realization that its been a year since the times i used to be happy go lucky. im not saying that im not happy, its just a different kind of feeling that im having now. its amazing to see life and relationships unfolding, thinking back, it makes me laugh at things i said which just turned around and kicked me in the ass (laugh away ken). yes i have said some stupid things which i dont think i regret though.

neway question, i know im hot tempered but am i really THAT hot tempered that i will flare up at a drop of a pin?

quote of the day: 'Nunc scio qui sit amour'

Saturday, April 16, 2005

intsy wincy spider and his relatives must die!

ok heres the story. yesterday, there was a spider on the ceiling. i asked ken to get rid of it but he insisted that spiders do not fall, whereas i insisted spiders did. anyway, in the end he won, as usual, so we left the spider where it was. today, i happily decided to do my work. guess what happened....the fucking damn spider which was like not exactly the tiniest thing on earth, fell on my head and started crawling towards my eyes!! i freaked and flicked it off me and it landed on my comp :( so i got ken to get rid of it. stupid spider. and stupid ken.

neway that wasnt the end of my bad luck. i did part of my essay last night. ok i admit its not a whooooollllleeee lot but its a fair bit. neway i left my comp on and because of windows update, it auto restarted itself. so i lost whatever work i did last night and had to redo it again today. argh...

add to the fact that charis wasted my time today cause she doesnt know the difference between a sweater and a jacket. causeing me to go all the way down to the city, expecting to buy a nice cheap jacket, but instead, the only thing i saw was somewhat expensive sweaters.

quote of the day: war is peace. ignorance is strength. freedom is slavery. -george orwell

quote of the day:

Sunday, April 10, 2005


argh for some reason my throat is suddenly hurting and im sneezeing non stop.aiks..anyway, i went to the aquarium with my sis and eu jin yesterday. that was pretty cool. i was quite surprised. there was a cute species of jellyfish that looked like really really tiny martains in the spaceship. that was really cute. and there were really huge stingrays and stuff...pretty interesting. i went to a dinosaur exhibition today at the museum with kenneth. they brought it in from china and will be here till the 17th. the exhibits at the museum itself was more interesting though. not going to go into detail. but yeah the dinosaur exhibit was quite small compared to the one i went to when i was really small. but then again, it might have seemed bigger cause i was really much as i enjoyed all that, i think i have enough of animals for ahwile.

quote of the day: 30 people are killed annually by vending machines in the US.

Monday, April 04, 2005

a week of my life

sis and aunt have been here for a week. brought them shopping and went on tours and stuff. for the tour we went to mornington peninsula,strawberry & lavander farm,hedge maze, winery and penguin island. damn long journey. thank god for mp3 players. the maze was cool. we kinda got lost inside for awhile though.

ever since they have been here, i have been eating like a pig. cause im like showing them about and trying all the food with them, eg il doche fredos (ice cream), grecos (yummy cheesecake), spuds (humongous potatoes) and ginormous hotdogs etc.

neway they are leaving today, in the afternoon. thank god (no offence mei but i do miss sleeping on a bed). yup, i have been sleepin in a slpin bag on the floor for a week so tonight, finally i get to sleep on my bed =)

quote of the day: a bunch of guys, 'follow those girls, they know where they are going!' my sis and i, 'no we dont!!!!.....(3 steps later) oh! we are out!!' - in the hedge maze