Saturday, March 26, 2005


i went for laser wars today. im actually pretty shit at it though...hehe...i keep getting shot. but as a friend of mine said, this is the closet we will get to NS. i think we played like 5 games. my trigger fingers kinda hurts now. i spent more then im suppose to already though (but dont worry amanda, i have enough money to still take you out). it was cool in there. like everything that was whitish would glow, including your eyeballs, so it was pretty creepy.

yup my sis and aunt is coming up. we're probably going to mornington peninsular, its supposed to be nice. dont worry amanda, we will go and see animals also. its part of the tour.

quote of the day: Fuck! i forgot you were there! - someone that i shot.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

you are my dancing queen young and sweet only 17...

haha guess what?i was actually an extra on a bollywood film! haha and its not like some small film, its actually a major production. the main actress name is pretty something, im not kidding, and i cant remember the guy's name but apparently they are suppose to be the IT in bollywood. that pretty person was quite hot and boy can she shake that ass of hers. even though i have no idea who they are, its still pretty cool to be like there. know what i mean? its like whao,i was on a bollywood set, so fun,with the indian music and all! and NO they did not run around a coconut tree.

OHOHOH and i went to watch MAMA MIA!! it was great! and the aussies sitting beside me were so cute. like this 2 old ladies were laughing their heads off and the started singing and dancing along during the finale. it seemed so fun that i pulled ken off his chair to do so too..haha..they were singing dancing queen. and ken was like no way. but i insisted and got his butt off the chair. most of the audience were really old..except for a kid who was there with his mum, i think ken and i were amongst the youngest in the crowd. but it was a really good show. i was literally sitting at the edge of my seat but then again, it was also cause i was like at the top gallery and if i leaned back on my chair, i wldnt be able to fully see everything cause there was a bar blocking me. ken and i were singing and dancing all the way home. i think ppl thought we were crazy. hehe

speaking of dancing. i went clubbing last night. went to a weird kind of club. like they were playing rnb music and then a band would come on and start playing songs from the 70s for i dont know how long and then back to rnb music again and etc. in case your wondering, why on earth i suddenly went clubbing, thats cause jin's gf turned 18 last night and she wanted to go. the guys got so drunk last night it was just funny. add to the fact they arent coordinated dancers. but it was fun. pradeep was so drunk that he lifted me onto the stage to dance and refused to let me comed down till the band came back on again. i didnt drink in case you wondering. if i drink i wldnt have been able to dance.

quote of the day: it takes a very secure man to stand up and dance to 'dancing queen'. - ken

Saturday, March 12, 2005

mama mia here i go again....

KEN BOUGHT MAMA MIA TICKETS!!!! yay!! i have been wanting to watch that ever since i heard about it but i missed it in singapore and i was really upset. however, it is currently in melbourne and ken bought the tickets for the next thur night's show!! I LOVE KENNETH!! haha

anyway theres a competition next sunday. coach wants me to go. but i dont know if i should. i mean i didnt train at all in singapore and i have only recently started training again, and honestly my form is just pathetic. coach was even like, if your excuse is too far, i will personally come and fetch you. haha.

hmm some thoughts: why do people want to screw up their lives? i mean like they know that they are just wasting their lives away and that its still not too late to do something to change it. so why dont they?why do they close themselves off to opportunities that are presented to them and then complain that they cant do anything to change their lives and they future? isnt it just stupid?they know theres something wrong but they dont want to do anything to help themselves. argh..its annoying.

quote of the day: life is like being in a boxing ring, you can either give out and get knocked out, or fight back and throw a few punches and kicks of your own. you never know, you might actually win..

Thursday, March 03, 2005

vaguely amusing

apparently my neighbours in singapore found an onion in their house and they came over to my place and accused someone from my family of throwing the onion into their place.haha thats totally ridiculous. these neighbours are uni students i think from overseas or something. which ever the case is, cant they use their brains..which idiot would throw an onion into someone else's house?haha i mean, seriously, even my maid wouldnt be that stupid to do something like that. i betcha they dropped it or something and forgot. dumb people.

today my housemate was testing out her new stethescope (is that how you spell it? you know, the things doctors use) anyway, its was amusing to see her run from wall to wall trying to see if she can hear our neighbours through the wall using her stethescope. she even tried the floor! haha..can you imagine a small person running around the house with a stethscope going, hmm i wonder if anyone is talking on the other side.

lastly, if you have a maid or your mum who does all the washing and cleaning in the house, say thank you! i just packed my room today and cleaned and scrubbed my toilet till its white and shiny. trust me, its not a very easy job, my neck is still aching from it.

by the way,russell peters is hilarious!!

quote of the day: indian slave to white owner 'you pick the cotton, i'll make the t-shirts..and together we'll wholesale'

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


okiesssss....this hasnt been the best of days but that is not what i want to talk about, i just want to say this. CONGRATS AMANDA!!!!! yes my dear sister did well in her o levels and i am very proud of her. so now lets see, which dates can you come up here. my hols are on 25 march till 3rd april and 24th june till 24th july. we'll all discuss it when i call back sometime this week kz?

and to qian, CONGRATS GIRL for making it into the national team!! im so proud of you too!! and dont worry about your mum not being totally hyped about it. you have all of my support and im sure your mum will come round soon since your dad is hyped about it too!

quote of the day: (actually i kinda run out for now, hehe)