Saturday, February 26, 2005

groan week

i wont go much into what has been happening this week but all i can say is that it hasnt been great. there was and still is school problems, some major arguments with people and stuff..and if you havent seen me online often, thats cause i really have a lot of things to do. i did not disappear. school is starting on mon and i am really not looking forward to it. i havent even gotten many things done cause i have been looking after that idiot. i have bills to clear, work permit to get, really tired, havent been sleeping or eating properly either. good luck to all those getting results soon.

quote of the day: i am going, going, gone....

Thursday, February 17, 2005


okies, heres just a few updates:

1)leaving on monday night
2)lilian + valentines day = very broke ken
3)my house is finally wireless

I'm leaving on monday night. finally! can't wait to go back. i need to do a lot of things there before school starts. for example, cleaning up my room *groan* i left it in a huge mess. thank god charis is back already and she has cleaned the rest of the house.

hmm about valentines day, all i can say is that i had a really nice time and dinner was alright, not really worth the price but i appreciate the effort he went through to get a place there. we went to al dente, so it kinda costed him a bit. and as usual, it wasnt enough food for him so we ended up at the garlic restaurant after walking around a bit. oh and i found max brenner! ah hah!

lastly, my house is finally wireless, as in we have wireless internet. aka i dont need to fight with my sister over the stupid stingray modem. hurray for technology!

quote of the day: i am 7 not 70!!!! - lulu

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

glory man united!

alright!man u won aresenal 4-2..haha take that jo..we won aresenal again!!hahaha...kk before i go on n on n on i shall stop here. anyway, i started work at my mum's office and i have done more work in one day there than i have in A&G in one and a half months. and i don't mean like 2 times more work, its like five times more work and i am not exaggerating. my butt and back aches from sitting on the floor sorting and filing and putting them into boxes and then stacking them n some corner. sounds simple enough but its tiring. u'd be amazed at how much paperwork there is in a small office of four people.

quote of the day: i win, you lose..hah - a million and one kids