Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy CNY!

Happy CNY! Hope you have a better new year then I do. I miss the CNY atmosphere at home sooo much. I even miss the annoying music!! I miss the fooodddd...I want CNY goodies!! I want my red packets!! Stupid summer school...grumble grumble grumble...I went to safeway today, they have like one pathetic shelf and a small tiny sign saying: happy chinese new sad. My reunion dinner consisted of me cooking some veg, ribs and some canned sharks fin. I want to be home for CNY...whine whine whine...and the only reason I'm writing a post is cause I'm writing my essay on blogs and I decided to check out whats the process of posting again..i lead a sad life....

Thursday, January 05, 2006

back in melbourne again...

came back yesterday to find my house in a HUGE it was super dusty and there were boxes and stuff all over the place. it was so bad that I cleaned up the place...can u imagine how bad it was..i actually vaccummed the whole house and i scrubbed the toilet and i washed the rugs and my huge pillow cases..i was totally exhausted by like 11...add to the fact that i was sitting next to a very cute but not a very still sleeping korean kid in the plane...her head was resting on her mum's lap but her legs were all over the place...she was kicking me the whole night and there was even a few times that i found her foot in front of my face! and they didnt smell very i didnt get any slp at all on the plane.

started my first day in school again....argh the pain of getting up early to go to school. there were like nearly 50 people in the class and i was like 5 mins late so i had to get a seat like far away from the was so difficult to see what he was doing. we did stuff on html and i have to do a critique on the web, it has to be based on either blogs, radical politics , social relations or information dispersal. cant decide which to do yet. however, i did get a 8/10 for my web concept. pretty proud of that espeically since my lecturer actually remembered my concept out of the whole bunch. he also showed us some other sites which previous students have done. there was one that was quite funny. it was on all the toilets in melb cbd area, they even had a map, pictures and star ratings. the starting of the site says: drank too much? looking for a place to pee but dont know where to go? haha

oh and i have no internet at home now so i wouldnt be online very often.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

1 - 4

First of all, since its still within the 12 days of chirstmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Secondly, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! All the best for 2006! If your 2005 was bad, hope 2006 it will be better, if ur 2005 was good, hope ur 2006 will be great!

Thirdly, bye to all those in spore and hi to all those in melb!

Fourthly, Im sooo going to die...i think i was trying to be too smart by taking an internet applications course...of all things to take since im so terrible with the com. so wish me luck!

PS: support 'cheap monday' jeans!