Sunday, December 11, 2005


every year i come back to spore and more and more i dont want to be back here, yet at the same time, i hate being in melb. every year i come back and i find that my room is no longer my own, its like a guest room or a store room. every year i come back to find that i have lost more and more friends here. every year i come back and i just feel like theres no purpose for me being here, theres no work to do, no training to go for, no school to attend (as much as that sounds crazy), nothing. every year, this place just feels emptier and emptier. i go out and places are unfamiliar to me. i think now a days, the only reason i come back is for the 2 old folks, if not i think i wld start saving and start travelling. thats an idea....

Monday, December 05, 2005

just a few things to say:


God, please let me get my ave of 70% for my exams. everyone else, wish me luck!

Good luck to everyone else who are collecting their results soon!

Someone please come and train with me so that i will have some sort of motivation to start training again...otherwise i will become a fat lump by the time i go back to melb.