Thursday, June 23, 2005


ok i did nothing last night, except play a game of air hockey and time crisis at the archade. the queue for movie tickets was so fucking long last night. maybe its cause most people have finished exams, or it might be that tuesday is half price tickets..its probably a combination of both. so in the end ken and i just went to the archade to stone and play a few games...not many games you can play with 5 bucks each here since one game is like $2+. freaking expensive here man. and then today cause i spent the whole day just doing my dad's present i didnt do anything else before i went for training. that was just boring as well cause we were doing shit all and after that a few people just came back to ken's place, ate drank and left. BORING!! i mean like its after exams, shouldnt i be doing something fun? HURRY UP AND COME BACK HERE CHEAH EU JIN!! oh well, at least i know for certain that ken and i are still going to victoria market to see cute puppies tmr cause we are considering getting one and maybe do a bit of shoe shopping for me as i need boots, its too cold to wear open toe heels here but its not professional to not wear heels to ask for a job at hotels.

watched Australia play against Tunisia in the fifa confederation cup just now (its soccer)..that was plain funny. first of all, where the hell is Tunisia?i have never heard of it in my life! 2ndly Australia got fucking trashed by this god knows where country!! GO TUNISIA!! the aussies suck!!

Quote of the day: 'and the australians leave the confederation with a whimper instead of a bang' - commentator of the match

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

We are going for winter holiday

ALL RIGHT!!!! i had my last paper today!! ok, i dont really know what i am going to do yet since my work permit hasnt been confirmed yet, thus i cant go and look for a job. so im just happily stoning in front of the tv watching the simpsons and probably the oc after that. hmmm maybe ken and i will watch a movie after that...either batman begins or mr and mrs smith..OHOHOHOH and pooh's huffalump movie is going to show here and adult tickets will be priced at kid's prices!! alright!! hehe im just a kid at heart...

Quote of the day: 'We are going on a ...[winter] holiday...' - Cliff Richards

Friday, June 03, 2005

grumble ramble mumble

i cant decide how i feel...on one hand im horribly worried about my exams cause i actually think im going to fail, especially for stupid law since i already failed part of it. at the same time, i feel really happy cause i've been getting super nice treatment. i can finally say that after being in australia for so long, i have tried kangaroo meat, i mean its KANGAROO MEAT. how often do you eat that?hehe.. it tasted like steak old it has to be cooked about medium rare otherwise it would be too tough to eat. i also have just received a fabulous new coat. its really very nice. Ken bought it for me. i was really surprised cause theres absolutely no occasion and i thought he was only out to buy dvds and games cause those were on sale. its a long coat, ok not very long but it reaches my knees, chocolate brown with a flattering cut. i was really pleased cause i really wanted a coat to keep me warm. i think im going to get a pair of boots to go with it. cause wearing track shoes with it looks weird and its too cold to wear open toe heels, my toes will freeze off.

quote of the day: i wish more people were interrigent rike me - kim jong il (team america: world police!)